May 15, 2011


Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals. Not quite sure if it's okay to refer to myself as an animal (I know, I know, we're technically a mammal) but hey, let's call it as we see it. Along with my furry friends, I, too, went into hibernation this past winter hence my absence from the blogging world.

"Picky Nikki, why did you go into hibernation?" -well kids, that's a good question...

When physicians don't know what is wrong with you, they are obligated to prescribe medication in an attempt to control your symptoms. In my case, the continuous increases to my medication = hibernation.

Guess what friends... I'm back and better than before!

I'm a multitasking son-of-a-gun. Watch out because I'm running circles around people and they're left saying, "was that superwoman?" Okay, no one has really ever said that but truly, I am checking things off of my "to do" list and if it wasn't listed, I add it just so I can check it off.

Done and done.

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